% ssltest documentation master file, created by % sphinx-quickstart on Sat Jul 9 09:56:52 2022. # ssltest Welcome to the main documentation for the `ssltest` scanning tool. This tool is also available at [pypi](https://pypi.org/project/ssltest/). ## Features Scan web servers cryptographic parameters and chosen vulnerabilities. Available features can be found on the [features](features.md) page. All available Vulnerability tests can be found in the `-h/--help` output of the script, or in the [vulnerability tests](vulnerabilities.md) page on this documentation. [//]: # (- {ref}`search`) ## Installation To install from [pypi](https://pypi.org/project/ssltest/) run: ```shell pip install ssltest ``` To install a more up-to-date version run: ```shell git clone git@github.com:SamoKopecky/ssltest.git && \ cd ssltest && \ pip install . ``` Nmap is required for some functions of the script (`--ns/--nmap-scan` and `--nd/--nmap-discover`), install on debian-like distros with: ```shell apt-get install -y nmap ``` ## Usage examples Basic scan with no vulnerability tests: ```shell ssltest -u nmap.org -t 0 ``` Scan all vulnerability tests and available cipher suites: ```shell ssltest -u nmap.org -cs ``` Scan for `Heartbleed` vulnerability, scan the whole certificate chain and shorted alternative names in the output: ```shell ssltest -u nmap.org -t 9 -cc -sn ``` Scan using custom config files in debug mode: ```shell ssltest -u nmap.org -c ~/.config/custom_ssltest -d ``` ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: features vulnerabilities configuration contributing version-history ```